我2014年3月去的土耳其旅游,在伊斯坦布尔和安塔利亚分别停留了两天半(住在机场附近). 建议你去之前做做功课,因为两个地方的风景差异很大: 如果你的时间比较紧,那我就重点说几个地方吧!
第一天晚上到 Istanbul, 第二天下午去 Suleymaniye Cami Mosque (清真寺)看落日、拍照(免费的哦~ ),然后步行到老教堂(Hagia Sophia),可以进去看看(门票10TL); 第三天一早去看看 Blue Mosque, 外面拍几张照片就好了(不要进里面,要祈祷的话就去隔壁的Aya Sofia Mosque),下午坐车到一个码头坐船去看Basilica Cistern(免费),记得带手电筒,那里很暗,但是建筑还是挺漂亮的~ 第四天上午可以去参观 Topkapi Palace, 这里的东西比较多也比较贵,建议买张票进去之后让导游带着你逛,大概一小时就能看完。中午可以在餐厅吃午餐,下午可以去参观 Grand Bazaar (自由行就不要去了,又挤又乱还买不到东西… ),也可以从Bazaar出来走到 Sultanahmet Square,那边有好多小博物馆,都是免费的,比如Hippodrome of Constantinople Museum 和 Aynalıkavak Mahallesi Mevlâ Nâci Paşa Han (这两个离得挺近的)。 第五天的行程自己安排吧!
Day one: Arrive in ISTANBUL, visit SULEYMANIYE CAMII mosque for sunset view and take pictures then walk to Hagia Sophia museum where you can enjoy your afternoon/evening; Day two: Visit BLUE MOSQUE, the outside is enough but don’t miss its garden with a pool full of fish and fishes; go to AYA SOFIA MUSUEM after lunch. In evening come back at Galata Bridge area & have dinner there, stroll on the bridge or buy some local handicrafts from booths beside it. It's worth having a look around! Day three: After breakfast drive to the pier by public bus (from Sultanahmet square, near Haggia Sophia), get on a boat headed to BASILICA CISTERN& take a short walking tour here which will last not more than half an hour (bring flashlight!); return to dock and board shuttle buses heading towards TOPKAPI PALACE, once inside, make use of guided tour. Have something to eat before visiting GRAND BAZAAR later that day since they both are close together; maybe also try out Turkish coffee or baklava afterwards! Day four: Free time……or explore other places nearby such as Hagia Triadusa Church, etc... Day five: Explore Fatih district if interested while packing up! 我觉得如果时间够的话,最好能在这里待上两三天,因为每个景点都还挺值得看的.